5 FAQs people have about using a social security disability attorney for their claim

by Manish Singh

If you are in the middle of a legal battle and you find that you need help with your claim, we have professionals who can help you – a social security disability attorney. But who is a social security disability attorney? This professional is a person who can help advise you during the legal process and provide you with guidance and advice on how to safely proceed with your case. The social security disability attorney is the person who is in charge of reviewing the details of your case and seeing what you may need to change to boost your chances of having a successful outcome with your case. Since they are well-versed in the social security world, they will know what you may need to change so you can have a higher chance of success when getting her money, the compensation, or the ruling that you deserve in the legal world.

But many people have questions when it comes to using a social security disability attorney for the first time – are they worth it, what do they do, what is the price, and what should you keep an eye out for? Let’s see a few of the most commonly asked questions that new clients have about using a social security disability attorney for the first time! Reach out to Betz and Baril to find the best attorney.

5 FAQs about using social security disability attorney

What questions can a social security disability attorney help me answer?

If you’re wondering how a social security disability attorney can help you, there are certain questions that this professional can help you answer. If you are disabled, through a chronic illness, or through an accident at work or in life, you may find that you need to suddenly find new ways to make an income and continue living your life. Although you may be hurt, overwhelmed, confused, scared, and anxious about the direction of your life, hiring a professional who can provide you with guidance is key to being able to move safely. When you first hire your attorney, there are certain questions they can help you answer so you can feel confident moving forwards with your claim. Some of the most common questions they will help you answer include the following:

  • What type of benefits can I use?
  • What if my application is rejected?
  • How much does it cost to use your services?
  • How much can I expect to receive in compensation and back pay?
  • What information will I have to provide you so you can complete my application?

Will the social security disability attorney help you file an application?

If you are nervous about how you can file an application, the attorney will help you compile the application. If you are wondering if you can do this on your own, the professional will help you file this for the first time so you can avoid any mistakes that can have your claim rejected. If you do not provide enough documentation, you forget some of your medical forms, or you do not fill out the application completely, this can lead to a delay in the process- of being completely rejected.

What if my claim is denied?

Another way that your social security disability lawyer will be able to help you is if your claim is denied. If you find that your claim has been rejected by the social security administration, the professional that you hire will be able to help you repeat the decision and appeal the entire process. Since this is very lengthy and time-consuming, you need a professional to guide you along the way so you can follow the rules and have a high chance of submitting the material to be evaluated.

Can you help me with an appeals hearing?

If you are using a social security disability attorney for your case, you might be wondering how else this lawyer can help you. If you have to go to an appeals hearing if your claim was rejected, the lawyer will be able to help you argue your case in a court of law since they have extensive knowledge of the legal system. Individuals who hire a lawyer have a higher chance of having their claims approved and moving forward with the process.

What if my case goes to trial?

The next way that a social security disability attorney will be able to help you with your case is if your case continues to trial. If you find that the appeals process did not work and the case was revoked in front of a law judge, the appeals council may decide that your claim has to be settled in federal district court. In this case, the professional will help you argue in a court of law.


If you are considering whether or not you need to hire a social security disability attorney for your case, the answer is yes! They will help answer any question that you have, help you fight your case in a court of law, and help you through the complicated appeals process.

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