A new way to remodel your house to an elegant look

A new way to remodel your house to an elegant look

by Manish Singh

10 things you can do to make your home look more luxury

We spend the majority of our time in our homes and we want them to look good. We also want to feel good in our homes and that can be hard to do when our living space doesn’t look like our Pinterest boards.

If you have ever looked into home restoration then you have probably discovered how expensive the process is. And unless your dog is about to go viral on Instagram and get himself a film deal, it’s just something you cannot afford to do.

That’s where this article comes in. Below you will find 10 quick and easy ways to make your home look more elegant without having to take out a new mortgage.

#1 – Install LED light strips

Lighting can be your secret weapon when you are trying to get room to look good. Steal the techniques furniture showrooms use and use LED light strips.

LED strips can be purchased online for less than $5 for a roll and stuck anywhere in your home. When you start underlighting your furniture, you will be shocked at how good it looks.

#2 – Make some gilded art pieces for your home

If you want to make the decor in your home pop then you should invest in some 24k sheets of gold for art.

Many people are scared of the gold leaf because they think it is hard to use, but it’s quite the opposite. It can be added to any DIY projects or on accessories around the house to make them pop.

#3 – Declutter

When you look at pictures of beautiful homes, what do you notice? Probably how clean and well organized they are.

Do you want to know the trick to making a room look tidy and well organized? Not owning too much. If you declutter you will feel like you have a lot more space in your home.

#4 – Invest in statement items

If you want to make your home look like it’s full of expensive items then you only need to spend the money on the pieces people look at most.

You could get a branded wall clock or a nice sculpture and put them in places where people will see them. Make them the stars of the show.

#5 – Keep your color pallet simple

Colors can be elegant but only when used in a certain way. If you want to use color in your home then you will have to stick to a restricted color pallet. You will have to choose one or two colors and theme the home around those.

#6 – Rugs can elevate a room

If you want to make a room look better without doing any DIY work or changing any of the furniture – you can add a rug to the room.

Make sure that the rug contains the colors that you want to pick out in the room and doesn’t clash with the other patterns around it.

#7 – Update your light fixtures

The day of light shades being used in elegant or expensive looking homes is long gone. If you want to make your home more expensive you should get rid of them.

You should replace them with built-in lighting fixtures or with industrial-style lighting features. Bronze and gold colored light fixtures will add to how expensive your lighting looks.

#8 – Add molding to your walls

Molding is cheap to apply and you can learn how to do so in a couple of hours thanks to Youtube. But don’t underestimate it, it can make a huge difference to how your spaces look.

The key to expensive looking molding is to use really understated shapes – like crown molding or faux panels.

#9 – Replace your front door

If you want to feel good about your home then you need to feel good about it as soon as you step through the front door and into a nice entrance or hallway. This will make you view your home in a better light.

However, you can increase your happiness even more by doing up the front door of your home.

#10 – Replace your bed frame

If you are going to spend the money on one area of your home then you should spend it on your bed frame. This is where you spend most of your time at home, so this is the area you want to invest in first.

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