Recently whatsapp added blue colour tick marks after the messages telling you that other person has seen your message, but many people wanted to remove the blue tick marks as they can spoil the relationships. So lets see how to disable or remove blue clour tick mark in whatsapp
Ways 2 Disable/Remove Blue ticks in whatsapp
- By dragging down notification window down, you can read the message without opening or without going directly in to whatsapp, but you can read only some lines in android. if you are using IOS then only one line can be read. in this way the person can’t see blue clour tick marks in whatsapp.
- If you disconnect data connection and check message then other person cannot see blue colour tick marks, but always turning off data connection is not a permanent solution. So read the article to know how to disable or remove blue tick marks in whatsapp.
How to Disable or Remove Blue Colour Tick Mark in Whatsapp.
>Open your whatsapp and click on Menu.
>Now open >Setting.
>GO to >Account>Privacy.
>Now just un tick the “Read Receipts”
Note- This Option is not available in latest version of whatsapp 2.11.432. So you need to download Whatsapp Beta version 2.11.444 which is not yet released in Play store, here we provided official link below, click on it and download