Every Breath You Take (2021) – English Subtitles Download

by rohannew

The power of Every Breath You Take can change your life forever, if only you take it to heart. The book has helped me a lot, and I hope it can do the same for you. In life, there are many small things that we tend to forget as we move along. However, the important thing to remember is that these small things make up our foundation. If we fail to learn from our past failures, then we can never move forward with our life.

That is why it is so important to learn from every breath you take in life. Think about it – the very next time you experience a negative thought or feel angry, let it go. See the difference it will make for you? This is just one passage from the amazing book, Every Breath You Take, by Earl Nightingale. There are many other amazing passages from this bestseller that will help you transform your life.

Language English
Released Date April 2, 2021 (United States)
Duration 114 Minutes
Category Hollywood
File type SRT(Zip file)

every breath you take 2021 subtitles

If you need a little reminder that your life is worth living, then it might be time to check out the CDs of Every Breath You Take. I think you will find them to be very helpful indeed. Check it out today and start taking those life’s lessons to heart. Who knows, you just might find your own transformation to be a little surprising? Besides, when you make something amazing with Every Breath You Take, you cannot thank me enough!

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