Family members usually take turns in hosting new year’s parties so everyone can get a chance. As much as hosting is fun and you get a chance to spoil your loved ones, it also comes with its challenges. You have to be very well prepared, otherwise, no one will want to come back next time. In most families, this is usually a competition between siblings on who hosted better and you do not want to come up last, do you? That is why we have prepared this piece to guide you on how to prepare yourself and your home to host this upcoming new year’s party.
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Prepare a Guest List
You probably already know all the people who will be attending the party but it is good to have a lit anyway. A guest ist will guide you on the amount of food and drinks to prepare and also on the sitting arrangement. You should have sent out invites by now so use the rsvps to organise your party.
Ensure that everyone is catered for so you do not have incidences of someone missing a spot on the table because you overlooked them. No one wants to start their new year with disappointments. Whether you are preparing the food yourself or hiring a catering company, a guest list is a guiding factor in everything pertaining to the party. However, make room for some extra, in case some people come with plus ones or twos.
Prepare Your Home
You can either decorate on your own or hire a party planning agency to help you out. Ensure that your house is party-ready before your guests start to arrive. Depending on the time scheduled for the party, you will be able to determine the right kind of decor to use. For instance, a nighttime party will require lighting from led lights wholesale market china.
You can include new year ribbons and balloons as part of your decorations. Ensure that you have enough seats and tables for everyone that will be in attendance. Work with chair frame makers to get the best quality guest chairs that will accommodate all your guests regardless. Set up handwashing stations in different parts of your home to ensure that everyone practices all the covid 19 control protocols.
Food and Drinks
This is the toughest part of hosting, especially if you decide to prepare the food yourself. Ensure that everyone has given you all the information regarding food allergies and their preferences. To make things easier for you, you can ask your guests to bring a dessert of their choice. When it comes to drinks, make sure that you have variety; soft drinks for those who do not consume alcohol and hard drinks for those who do.
Practice your cocktail making skills for those who will want them. You can make your work easier by hiring catering services to deal with everything pertaining to food and drinks. This will give you ample time to socialize and mingle with your guests. You will also save yourself the stress of cleaning up after your visitors have left.
Music and Entertainment
What is a party without a little bit of music and dancing? You cannot afford to miss this part at your new year’s party. Look for a DJ who will be in charge of the music and provide them with a playlist of all the songs you’d like to be played at your party. Your guests should also be free to request for a jam whenever they feel like it.
In addition to music, you can incorporate other entertainment activities such as karaoke. You can set aside a stage where your visitors can dance and have a good time.
Exchanging of Gifts
You have probably heard of a secret Santa for Christmas parties. People buy each other gifts anonymously and exchange the gifts at a party. Each individual is given a secret Santa who is in charge of getting a present for them. You can include this in your new year’s party to make it even more interesting. You can provide gift wrapping material from paper box factories for those who will need them.
With these few tips, chances are you will be asked to host twice in a row, haha. People love to come to parties where their needs are catered for, and all they have to do is relax and have fun. When you are well prepared, you can pull off anything you put your mind to. A good new year’s party is one of the best ways to start a new year.