Pain And Glory Subtitles Download SRT (English)

by Manish Singh

Pain And Glory Subtitles

Pain And Glory Subtitle is available here with the download link on this website. You can download the subtitle of Pain And Glory full movie .srt with just one click and enjoy the movie with subtitles using the SRT file. On this website, you will find subtitles for all formats like 480p, 720P, 1080p, BluRay, Webrip & HDRip, DVdscr, DVDRip.

Pain And Glory movie

Dolor Y Gloria is a Spanis film. In English, it is known as Pain and Glory. This Spanish drama film Pain And Glory have been directed by Spanish filmmaker Pedro Almodovar. It is produced by Agustin Almodovar and the production company is El Deseo. It is distributed by Sony Pictures Releasing International. The total runtime of the film is 113 minutes. It has been shot in the Spanish language. It has been released theatrically in Spain on 22nd March 2019 and premiered at Cannes Film Festival 2019.

It collected $26.6 million in the box office. The story writer of the film is Pedro Almodovar the director himself. The cinematographer of the film is Jose Luis Alcaine and the music composer is Alberto Iglesias. The casts are Antonio Banderas, Asier Etxeandia, Leonardo Sbaraglia, Julieta Serrano, Penelope Cruz, Nora Navas. At the 92nd Academy Award, Pain and Glory entered in the category for Best International feature film. IMDb rated this 7.7/10. Rotten Tomatoes liked it 95% and Google users liked it 85%.

Pain And Glory Official Trailer is here

Here is the step by step guide to download Pain And Glory subtitles or SRT files and play it on any players.

  1. The first step is to download Pain And Glory subtitles from the mentioned link on the page and after that place the file on the downloaded movie folder.
  2. If you wish to enjoy the movie on a windows media player above step is enough to get the subtitles on, but if you’re using other players such as MX player, VLC player or GOM player, then right-click on the add subtitle option, then select the file from the folder and enjoy the Pain And Glory movie with subtitle.
  3. Now, if you want to enjoy the movie on mobile or tablet, all you need to place the downloaded file on the same movie folder where you have downloaded it. Mobile players will start showing the subtitles automatically.

Pain And Glory Subtitle (.srt or Zip)

Pain And Glory English Subtitle (.srt or Zip)

Pain And Glory Subtitles Download

Pain And Glory Subtitles Download ZIP

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