Spooky Activities to do With the Kids This Halloween

Spooky Activities to do With the Kids This Halloween

by Bryn Fest

The spooky season is nearly here, and kids and adults alike love to celebrate this time of year! While dressing up and trick-or-treating may be the main event or throwing a Monster’s ball might be on the cards, there are other fun activities you can do with your kids to get them into the Halloween spirit. Below are some ideas that your family might enjoy doing together if you are looking to make some new traditions.

Visit a Pumpkin Patch

Carving your Jack-o-Lanterns is one of the best things to do in the run-up to Halloween and a great way for you and the kids to express your creativity. While you can always pick up pumpkins at your local grocery store, this year, why not take the kids out for the day to your nearest pumpkin patch? There is something magical about being surrounded by those big orange gourds and finding the perfect ones to take home with you. A lot of pumpkin patches will also have stalls serving hot drinks and food to add to the festive experience.

Bake Halloween Treats

If the weather is too miserable to venture outside, then you might want to avoid visiting a pumpkin patch that weekend. That doesn’t mean you can’t have fun indoors, though, and a great pastime to do together as a family is baking up some tasty treats! To keep it within the Halloween theme, why not bake some spooky cookies together? You could even find a stencil for Halloween cookies for a stylish finish. Brownies can also be a good option, pumpkin pie, or some ghoulish cupcakes for you all to snack on.

Family Movie Night

A family movie night is a fun thing to do no matter what the time of year, but as Halloween is on the horizon, why not choose some of your favorite scary movies? Of course, families with younger children might want to choose more appropriate movies to avoid nightmares (Hocus Pocus is a classic that everyone will love!) You could all choose a movie to watch, get cozy under some blankets, and make some popcorn and hot chocolate for the occasion.

Tell Each Other Spooky Stories

If you want to try and limit screen time in your household, then an alternative to movie night could be getting together in the living room, gathering around the fire, and telling each other spooky stories. You could either make these up yourselves, share stories you have heard before, or read some from a ghostly anthology. You might even find a podcast or audiobook to listen to as a family if this is preferable. If you want to give it a creepy camping vibe, build a fort together in your house and sit in there as you share your tales of terror!

Handmake Halloween Decorations

If you are a family who loves to decorate your home for Halloween just as much as you do for Christmas, then another good activity to do with your kids this year could be to handmake some decorations together. Arts and crafts are a great activity to do at home at the best of times, and it can also be a soothing activity that allows your kids to express themselves and indulge their artistic side. Whether it’s making spider’s webs to put in the corners of your home, skeleton garlands, paper-mâché pumpkins, or anything else that can turn your home into the perfect haunted house, it can certainly keep everyone occupied for an afternoon or two.

Make Your Halloween Costumes Together

Sometimes it can be easier to purchase your Halloween costumes from a fancy dress store or online, but this can also get expensive quickly. If you are looking for ways to save money this October, especially with Christmas not far away, then making your Halloween costumes out of materials you have at home could be the perfect solution. This could be ideal for those who are handy with a needle and thread, and it can be an enjoyable experience for your kids, too. This will allow them to get more creative when it comes to their costume ideas, creating a bespoke costume that will fit them perfectly.

Play Some Halloween Games

If your family has always enjoyed a games night together, then look at some of these great Halloween party games and arrange to play one weekend. You could even choose to make a Halloween feast for your dinner that night, and once you have satisfied your hunger, move on to the living room for some friendly competition. This would be great whether you choose to do this as a family, or if you want to invite some friends over to join you, too.

If you are looking for fun things to do with your family this spooky season, consider the suggestions above and see which ones are the biggest hits in your household.

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