If you are a part of the mining, rail, freight or logistics sectors then you will have most likely used a weigh bridge before. Weighbridges are mainly used in industries that manufacture or move bulk items. They are used because they are a quick and easy way to measure the flow of bulk goods in and out of different locations. It is extremely import in these sectors that a weighbridge delivers robust, accurate and reliable results, when weighing.
The consequences that can eventuate from unreliable weighbridges will cost many companies a large amount of money and time, in the long run. However, weighbridges can sometimes be associated with large bulk steel or concrete structures that can take up valuable real estate or yard space. They can also be associated with a process that takes up a decent amount of time, to ensure that the weight reading is accurate.
However innovative brands such as Trakblaze have destroyed those assumptions, by introducing slimline, portable and space saving weighbridge designs. Not only have they changed and improved the design, they are the first company in the world to achieve a certified high-speed weigh-in-motion train weighbridge, that can weigh accurately while a train in moving at up to 80km/h.
Now, you might be thinking 80km/h? And you also might be asking yourself what is a high-speed weigh in motion rail weighing system? So, here is what you need to know about Trakblaze’s high speed weigh in motion rail weighing system.
The Infinity HS is a high speed, weigh in motion weighbridge, specific for rail use. It is capable of weighing trains at speeds of up to 80kph, using highly accurate and reliable load cell technology. The weigh bridge consists of six electronic weigh sleepers and fourteen dummy sleepers that are braced together to form one solid structure underneath existing rail tracks. This therefore provides a unique bracing technology that can give maximum stability, to help eliminate the impact of weight transition, greatly enhancing the accuracy of the weighbridge. The results can then be accessed from any location via the internet, thanks to the PC train weighing software.
The incredible technology and complex design of this weighbridge really highlights four important and necessary aspects of a modern weighbridge – accuracy, repeatability, design and functionality. The best part about a high-speed weigh in motion weigh bridge is that it will ultimately save time and money. Any sort of lorry or train won’t need to slow down as much, or for as long to still receive an acute weight measurement, so their journey will not be as interrupted, and everything will be completed faster and more accurately.
If you are considering purchasing a new weighbridge to replace your current weighbridge, then always ensure you are only buying from the best in the business. Trakblaze is one of only a few companies in the world that specialise in the field of static and in-motion weighing across, train, mining, transport and aviation sectors. So, when you purchase from them you know you are only getting the best possible weighing products available.