Endless Love (2014) – English Subtitles Download

by rohannew

Endless Love is based on a true story and chronicles the passionate love affair between a man and his best friend from high school. As high school graduation approaches, Tom (played by Joe Mantegna) spends every day of his senior year looking forward to his big day. When he finally gets to college, however, all that he hopes for is a simple “I graduated” banner on his dorm wall. Everything else is much more – friendships, heartbreaks, romance, falling in love, and the eventual realization that his best friend is capable of more than he ever thought possible in his lifetime. This movie is a romantic comedy with a very unique story.

The film Endless Love became very popular in the movie industry upon its release. Both male and female viewers alike were taken with the story and went to see it in theaters. It was highly successful, and went on to win several Academy Awards including Best Picture. However, it wasn’t until three years later that the film got to reach the big screen in the form of a commercial for Apple Computers. Due to the success of the commercial, Endless Love became one of the most beloved comedies of all time, and was remade as a different sort of film with the name Butch and Clark.

Language English
Released Date February 14, 2014
Duration 105minutes
Category Hollywood
File type SRT(Zip file)

endless love 2014 subtitles

However, this isn’t the end of the story for Tom and Jane. Now, more than 20 years since the events of the film, they have finally reunited and are starting their own home-based computer business together. With the help of a loving new father, the two find that they have much in common despite the fact that they never knew each other as kids. No doubt, Endless Love was a great movie that entertained audiences for many years – but it is also a classic in the world of independent entertainment.

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